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The main component of exedra, the entry point of a request dispatch. Every route is unique, and identifable by name, taggable and findable. They're reusable to the extent of generating a url for the route, doing a route based execution, or query a route even for your own use. In this page we'll focus on writing them.

Throughout the documentation, you'll often find most routing begins with $app->map. This Exedra\Routing\Group type as we call it, is the first group of routes, unbounded to any route. It's registered as a service on application instance itself.

Request Verbs

These methods allow us to do a quick routing through common verbs


create a GET /books with \Closure handler

use Exedra\Runtime\Context;

//... some codes

$app->map->get('/books')->execute(function(Context $context)
    return $context->controller->execute('Book', 'index');


POST /books request with controller handler pattern

$app->map->post('/books')->execute(function() {});


Create a DELETE /books/[:id] request

$app->map->delete('/books/[:id]')->execute(function() {});


Create a PUT /books/[:id] request

$app->map->put('/books/[:id]')->execute(function() {});


Create a PATCH /books/[:id]/glossary request

$app->map->patch('/book/[:id]/glossary')->execute(function() {});

All these methods return Exedra\Routing\Route type.

Route Naming

Create a named route through an array offset of the route level. Route name is useful on route finding functionality for url generator, and route based execution.

use Exedra\Routing\Group;

// returns \Exedra\Routing\Route
$app->map['api']->any('/api')->group(function(Group $api)
    $api['author']->get('/author')->execute(function() {});

Sample usage

echo $app->url->route('api.author'); // returns http://example.com/api/author

Route Tagging

Route::tag(string name)

Similar with naming, except method this allow a quick routing search, without knowing a full name.

use Exedra\Routing\Group;

$app->map['api']->any('/api')->group(function(Group $api)
    $api->post('/api/products')->tag('add-product')->execute(function(){ });

Sample usage

echo $app->url->route('#add-product');

Route Handle

Route::execute(mixed handle)

The route handle execution method

$app->map->any('/web')->execute(function() {});

Named Parameter

A segment of the URI path that can be named through routing.

    $page = $exe->param('page');

Optional parameter

Matches /dashboard and /dashboard/index

    // do something?

Catch remaining segment(s)

Matches /article/2014/08/10

    $action = $exe->param('date'); // will yield '2014/08/10'

Nested routing

Setting subroutes property by using group() method on the \Exedra\Routing\Route instance.

use Exedra\Routing\Group;

//.. some codes

$app->map['api']->any('/api')->group(function(Group $group)
    $group['books']->any('/books')->group(function(Group $books)
        $books['list']->get('/', function() {});

        $books['get']->any('/:id', function() {});


Route::attr(string key, mixed value)

Set the route key value attribute

use Exedra\Runtime\Context;

// .. some codes

    ->attr('check_session', true)
    ->execute(function(Context $context) {
        if($context->attr('check_session')) {
            // etc2

Set properties

Set whole routing properties

    'name' => 'author',
    'ajax' => true,
    'execute' => function()



Add a custom validator on your routing.

It's expected to return boolean for the validation result.

With closure

    ->validate(function($params) {
        return is_int($params['id']);
    ->execute(function() {


Class name

The class must implement Exedra\Contracts\Routing\Validator.


Dependency injection

List name of registered services to be injected into the runtime handle.

// define a pdo sample service
$app->set('@pdo', function(\Exedra\Application $app) {
    $db = $app->config['db'];

    $string = 'mysql:host=' . $db['host'] . ';dbname=' . $db['name'];

    $pdo = new \Pdo($string, $db['user'], $db['pass']);

    return $pdo;

    ->inject(['pdo', 'context'])
    ->execute(function(\Pdo, \Exedra\Runtime\Context $context) {


Fail Route

Set up a route where it's looked up to when there's no route found on dispatch/lookup within the current group or the groups under

Set from group


$app->map['error']->any('/404')->execute(function () {
    // do something

Set from route

->execute(function() {
    // do something

Chainable API

Most route property setter methods return the same instance, making it capable of chaining methods.

    ->attr('authenticable', true)
    ->execute(function() {});