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Routing Group

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Subrouting / Nest-Routing

Create a sub-routing. The method name must be prefixed with group.

The method must return the routing group pattern. All routing properties are valid as tag here.

 * @path /products
public function groupProducts()
    return \App\Controller\ProductController::class;

The routing group under this method is resolved only when it's accessed.

Deferred subrouting

Similar to above but you can defer the routing properties to the controller's class annotation itself. However, properties annotated on method level will still override the class's.

public function groupBlog()
    return \App\Controller\BlogController::class;

Controller implementation

namespace \App\Controller;

use Exedra\Routeller\Controller\Controller;

 * @name blog
 * @path /:article-id
class BlogController extend Controller

Immediate subrouting

Similar to group prefix, except that this one have their group resolved immediately. Prefix with sub.

 * @path /:product-id
public function subProduct(Group $group)
    $group['get']->get('/')->execute(function() {
        // do your things

    $group['update']->post('/')->execute(function() {
        // do your things