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Route properties

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Mark the route whether or not it's requestable (on request dispatch lookup)

 * @name hidden
 * @requestable false
public function executeHidden()

Fail Route

Set up a route where it's looked up to when there's no route found on dispatch/lookup within the current group or the groups under

 * @name error
 * @asFailRoute true
 * @requestable false
public function get404()

Tagging and ajax

 * @tag users
 * @ajax true
 * @middleware \App\Middleware\Auth
public function executeUsers()
    // do something?


public function middlewareAuth(\Exedra\Runtime\Context $context)
    if($context->attr('need_auth', false) && !$context->session->has('user_id'))
        throw new NotLoggedInException;

    return $context->next($context);

 * @attr.need_auth true
 * @path /admin
 * @method any
public function groupAdmin()
    return Admin::class;

All possible properties

 * @name admin_default
 * @method GET|POST
 * @path /admin/:controller/:action
 * @middleware \App\Middleware\Auth
 * @middleware \App\Middleware\Csrf
 * @middleware \App\Middleware\Limiter
 * @tag admin_default
 * @attr.session_timeout 36000
 * @config.request_limit 15
public function executeAdminDefault($context)
    // nah, just a sample.
    $controller = $context->param('controller');
    $action = $context->param('action');

    return (new $controller)->{$action}($context);


The non route property tags like return, param, and throws tags and will not be parsed.

Console Commands

This package also provides a similar command on the original route listing, except that it added a little bit more details on the result.

$app = new \Exedra\Application(__DIR__);

//... do some routing

$console = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Application();

$console->add(new \Exedra\Routeller\Console\Commands\RouteListCommand($app, $app->map));



Routing name

For some type of usage, like executable and grouped kind of route, the route name will be taken from the case-lowered remaining method name, IF no @name property is annotated.

Route name for the restful controller

It takes a combination of verb and the method name. For example,

public function postProducts()
    // add product or something

public function get()
    // get product or something

Above routing will have a method name like .post-products. (@web.products.post-products)

For verb only method name, it'll just be the verb as the name. And an absolute name for it would look something like : @web.products.get


Routing order is being read from top to above. So, it matters how you code the routing.