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Middleware is simply a layer(s) that surrounds your application runtime. In Exedra, the concept of middleware no longer bound to handling request/response only, but anything including your domain logic.

On the runtime, middlewares are stacked into the final call stack, and make no distinction whether it's global or route based.

Adding a middleware

Global middleware

This middleware get stacked on every runtime. Apply a \Closure based middleware.

$app->map->middleware(function(\Exedra\Runtime\Context $context)
    return $context->next($context);

Route based middleware

Apply middleware to a routing group

    ->middleware(function(\Exedra\Runtime\Context $context)
        // redirect to route with tag auth.
            return $context->redirect->route('#auth');

        return $context->next($context);
    })->group(function(\Exedra\Routing\Group $group)
        $group['default']->any('/')->execute(function() {
            \\ do something

Middleware class

Apply given class based middleware



namespace App\Middleware;
use Exedra\Runtime\Context;

class Auth
    public function handle(Context $context)
        return $context->next($context);